Volume 12, Issue 3 And A (Transaction A: Civil Engineering September 2014)                   IJCE 2014, 12(3 And A): 363-370 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (6400 Views)
The paper presents a hybrid-enhanced algorithm based on CSS for discrete problems whit the focus on traveling salesman problem. The CSS algorithm based on some principles from physics and mechanics, utilize the governing Coulomb law from electrostatics and Newtonian laws of mechanics. However, the CSS is more suitable for continuous problems compared with discrete problems. In this paper, we have tried to resolve this defect of CSS algorithm with the help of local search methods and nearest neighbor for discrete problems whit the focus on traveling salesman problem (TSP). To prove the efficiency of the proposed algorithm, results compared with the results of benchmark problems. Then, the proposed algorithm is used to solve the TSP, using as a method for solving the single row facility layout problem (SRFLP). To prove the efficiency, the results are compared with the results of benchmark problems reported in the recent literatures.
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Type of Study: Research Paper | Subject: Construction Management

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