Abstract: (11323 Views)
This research include, more than 400 erosion tests performed on coarse and fine grain suspension materials. The purpose of tests was to determine erosion characteristics of mixtures of different materials. Samples of the .same constituents in different groups were cured tit two different setting time of // and 16 !tours before they were subjected to the constant hydraulic heads of 20 and 40 cm for ct time period of 30 urinates. The amount of erosion was measured as the weight loss of the samples offer the test. /n general the lower setting tune and the higher hydraulic head for a large group of samples showed higher erosion. For uniform sand samples when the cement content was 60-70 % the percentage of erosion (PE) was below 2. For the mixture of sand-cement, with the clay content below, 20% the percentage of erosion was below 2 and it increased to 15.5 for the clan, content of 58dc. Die addition of bentonite in the soil-cement mixtures in general did not affect the erosion.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |