Volume 12, Issue 2 And A (Transaction A: Civil Engineering, June 2014)                   IJCE 2014, 12(2 And A): 270-275 | Back to browse issues page

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Abstract:   (18691 Views)
In this study digital image correlation (DIC) technique combined with a high speed video system was used to predict movement of particles in a water model. Comparing with Particle-image velocimetry (PIV) technique, it provides a low cost alternative approach to visualize flow fields and was successfully employed to predict the movement of particles in a water model at different submergence depth using gas injection. As the submergence depth increases, the number of the exposed eye is reduced accordingly. At 26.4 cm submergence depth, an exposed eye was found at 1/3 of the submergence depth, whereas two exposed eyes were observed at 1/2 depth and near the bottom wall at 24 cm submergence depth.
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Type of Study: Technical Note | Subject: Water-Hydrology

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