Abstract: (14991 Views)
The deformation and stiffness characteristics of a cemented gravely sand was investigated using
triaxial equipment. The triaxial tests were conducted in both dry and saturated undrained conditions.
Artificially cemented samples are prepared using gypsum plaster as the cementing agent. The plaster was
mixed with the base soil at the weight percentages of 1.5, 3, 4.5 and 6. The applied confining pressure varied
between 25 to 500 kPa in triaxial tests. The process of yielding of the soil was investigated for the considered
soil and the bond and final yield points were identified for the cemented soil with different cement contents.
The variations of deformation and stiffness parameters with cement content and confining stress were studied
as well. Some of the parameters were determined for both drained and undrained conditions to investigate the
effect of drainage condition on the stiffness and yield characteristics of the tested cemented gravely sand.
According to the results, the difference between drained and undrained tangent stiffness decreases with
increase in confining stress. Finally the effect of cement type was investigated as an important parameter
affecting the stiffness at bond yield. The rate of increase in tangent stiffness at bond yield changes with cement
content for different cementing agents.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |