Abstract: (17383 Views)
Maghrebi has previously introduced a model for the production of isovel contours in a normalized form,
which can be used for estimation of discharge in artificial and natural channels. The model is applied to a tidal river
with partially reverse flow, which is caused by opening a sluice gate located asymmetrically close to the right bank of
the Ohta floodway in Hiroshima, Japan. An acoustic Doppler current profiler (aDcp) was used to measure the velocity
profiles at different verticals and then discharge was calculated. In addition, the estimated discharge based on each
measured point and the predicted isovels of flow cross section was obtained. The results show that the corresponding
errors for the measured points away from the solid boundaries and the imaginary boundary of the flow between the
two adjacent regions with opposite directions, which are associated with lower absolute values of isovels, are
Type of Study:
Research Paper |