Zhang Q Q, Li S C, Liang F Y, Yang M, Zhang Q. Simplified method for settlement prediction of single pile and pile group using a hyperbolic model. IJCE 2014; 12 (2) :146-159
Abstract: (9617 Views)
A simplified approach for nonlinear analysis of the load-displacement response of a single pile and a pile group is
presented using the load-transfer approach. A hyperbolic model is used to capture the relationship between unit skin friction
and pile-soil relative displacement developed at the pile-soil interface and the load-displacement relationship developed at the
pile end. As to the nonlinear analysis of the single pile response, a highly effective iterative computer program is developed
using the proposed hyperbolic model. Furthermore, determinations of the parameters related to the hyperbolic model of an
individual pile in a pile group are obtained considering interactions between piles. Based on the determinations of the
parameters presented in the hyperbolic model of an individual pile in a pile group and the proposed iterative computer
program developed for the analysis of the single pile response, the conventional load-transfer approach can then be extended
to the analysis of the load-settlement response of an arbitrary pile in a pile group. Comparisons of the load-settlement
response demonstrate that the proposed method is generally in good agreement with the field-observed behavior and the
calculated results derived from other approaches.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |