Abstract: (14159 Views)
A framework for development of constitutive models including damage progress, based on
semi-micromechanical aspects of plasticity is proposed for concrete. The model uses sub-loading
surface with multilaminate framework to provide kinematics and isotropic hardening/softening in
the ascending/descending branches of loading and can be able to keep stress/stain paths histories
for each plane separately. State of stresses on planes is divided to four basic stress patterns i.e. pure
compression, increasing compression-and shear, decreasing compression-shear and tension-shear
and used in derivation of plasticity equations. Under this kind of categorized form the model is
capable of predicting behavior of concrete under any stress/strain path such as uniaxial, biaxial and
triaxial in the monotonic and cyclic loading, Also this model is capable of predicting the effects of
principal stress/strain axes rotations and consequent plastic flow and has the potential to simulate
the behavior of material with anisotropy, fabric pattern, slip/weak planes and crack
opening/closing. The material parameters of model are calibrated by optimum fitting of the basic
test data available in the literature. The model results under both monotonic and cyclic loading
have been compared with experimental results to show capability of model.
Type of Study:
Research Paper |